Legal Assistance

Legal Assistance

FOC Staff Cannot Give Legal Advice
Court employees have an “absolute duty of impartiality" and must remain neutral at all times. This means that FOC staff cannot recommend a particular course of action. FOC staff may have processed hundreds of similar cases, however, that person cannot know what is in a parties' best interest. 

Self Help Resources
State Court Administrative Office (SCAO)Website:

SCAO's website offers legal information such as links to Michigan laws, court rules, and court forms to self-represented litigants. It also provides details about how to complete forms and proceed with a case, including service of process, noticing requirements, preparing for and attending hearings, and preparing and serving orders.

Michigan Legal Help Website:
Michigan Legal Help is a website that offers tools and information to help understand and manage legal problems.

Legal Representation
Domestic relations cases often involve complex matters. A litigant representing himself or herself must understand Michigan laws, court rules, and caselaw. Some litigants are able to handle these matters on their own and some are not. You may wish to seek legal advice. The State Bar of Michigan is a helpful resource in locating an attorney.  

Friend of the Court - Clare County, Michigan